(G123) Intro to Adults and Sensory 5/11/2025
(G39) Transform Your Practice With Sensory Integration: A Free Course for Therapists
CourseFree online course for therapists seeking to learn about Ayres Sensory Integration and its relevance to their clinical practice.
(G26) The SOSI-M and COP-R: Theory, Administration and Scoring
CourseSOSI-M and COP-R: Theory Administration and Scoring
(G72) Top Tips for Applying Research Evidence in Your Clinical Practice
CourseThis webinar aims to simplify the process of integrating research evidence into your clinical practice.
(G68) How to Create a Virtual Conference Poster and Presentation
CourseJoin us for a short webinar on creating virtual posters and impactful presentations that are suitable for diverse contexts.
(R01) Researcher Support and Grant Awards
CourseSensory Integration Education research grants are designed to support the development of evidence relating to Sensory Integration across the Lifespan: The Art and Science.
Short Courses for Therapists and Professionals
We are a world-class, international training provider of sensory integration courses for occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, physiotherapists, and other professionals. Our short courses are designed to increase your skills and knowledge so you're better prepared to support people with sensory processing difficulties.
Sensory Integration is Five Star Rated on Trustpilot