How to use this course
Course Overview
Welcome to this Course
Aims of this Course
My Child's Feeding Experience
Feeding Milestones Introduction
Feeding Development
Evolution of Eating
My Child's Feeding Milestones
The Children are Different…
Sensory Integration
My Child's Sensory Integration and Feeding
Physical Skills
My Child's Motor Skills
Oral Motor Skills
My Child's Oral Motor Skills
Physical and Emotional Health
My Child's Physical and Emotional Health
My Child's Communication
The Complexity of Feeding
Useful Videos and Websites
Resources Developed by Laura and Louisa
Other Feeding Training from Laura and Louisa

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Louisa Hargett, a Highly Specialist Occupational Therapist, Advanced SI Practitioner, Feeding Therapist and Teacher Louisa Hargett

You see information about Louisa Hargett on her website here.

Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist, Advanced SI Practitioner, Feeding Therapist and Teacher Laura Osman.

Laura is a highly specialised speech and language therapist, advanced sensory integration practitioner, feeding therapist and teacher. She specialises in providing early intervention for children with high support needs. Laura has an MSc in sensory integration and is an e-mentor for the Sensory Integration Education postgraduate Ayres sensory integration training. Laura has worked in the NHS and taught in special educational needs schools in London. She has worked in health and education, using knowledge and experience gained to integrate therapy and education to maximise pupils’ learning opportunities by inspiring them to play, communicate and learn. Laura uses her sensory integration knowledge to work closely with educators, parents/carers and therapists to support and enhance children's participation in their everyday lives. She is co-author of The Springboard Curriculum - inclusive special education in the early years foundation stage and key stage 1 and The Springboard Curriculum: Assessment Framework.

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