BSc(Hons), PhD, Visiting Fellow at Sheffield Hallam University Doctor Greg Kelly
Research Director Doctor Sylvia Taylor-Goh
Dr Sylvia Taylor-Goh PhD, MSc, BSc, Cert MRCSLT. Sylvia's professional background encompasses academia, research, clinical practice, senior public-sector management and project management. She is committed to advancing evidence-based practice - one of the outputs of her PhD, which investigated the clinical reasoning and decision-making of occupational therapists, speech & language therapists and biomedical engineers, is the Taylor-Goh Model of Clinical Reasoning.
She is the editor of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) Clinical Guidelines, a publication that provides evidence-based guidance for 12 clinical areas of the profession. She has worked with the Department of Health, England, on establishing a Research Unit and undertaking an assistive technology research project. With the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), she assisted the development of ensuring the service user’s voice is heard in clinical guidelines.
She held academic positions at City University and University of London for over ten years and elsewhere has held the roles of External Examiner and Supervising Fellow for Professional Doctorate degrees. She is a Recognised Teacher with Sheffield Hallam University. She is currently working in partnership with a UK university enabling them to embed her clinical reasoning model throughout their health course’s pre-registration curriculum. As a published author and active researcher, she regularly is an invited speaker at professional conferences.
Her clinical practice, ‘Relational Communication’, provides specialist assessment and intervention for children, young people and adults with complex congenital and acquired neurological disorders. She also works as a medico-legal Expert Witness within this clinical specialism. She is actively involved in many professional societies and is a member of the RCSLT Policy and Professional Practice Committee whose role is to consider and make recommendations upon matters relating to professional development, standards, policy and public affairs.