SensorNet Podcasts and Videos PLUS Sensory Chat Launches
By Sensory Integration Education, 15 March 2022
SensorNet Podcasts and Videos
SensorNet may have been bringing you SI news since 1996 but we don't sit still. You'll have noticed our new, more accessible format for the magazine which makes it easier to view on mobile phones and tablets. But did you know that we've begun to include video and podcast versions of some of our interviews too? Where available, we'll link to the videos and podcasts in the article.
Sensory Chat Podcast Launches
A new free podcast, Sensory Chat, launched in February offering insights into what therapists wish that more parents and carers knew. Listen in as four experienced Advanced Sensory Integration Practitioners chat around the challenges faced by children and families with sensory integration or sensory processing difficulties. Hear practical tips and solutions from this group of international, highly-experienced, friendly therapists.
Who is Sensory Chat For?
Sensory Chat is aimed at helping parents and carers of children sensory integration or sensory processing differences, Autism, ADHD, DCD (dyspraxia) or special needs.
Toddlers and Eating: A Sensory Perspective
In the first episode of Sensory Chat, the therapists chat over the common challenges that toddlers face with mealtimes.
What should we be expecting of 2- and 3-year-olds at mealtimes? What skills do toddlers need to be able to successfully eat? How does their ability to sit up and sit still at the table affect their eating? Are tablets on the table a help or a hindrance? Why do we need to consider family and cultural contexts relating to mealtimes and how do our own sensory preferences affect our children’s mealtime experience? It’s all covered in the podcast along with some handy tips and reassurance for struggling parents and carers.
Future episodes consider other everyday family activities, including managing bedtimes, getting dressed and eating out.
Who’s Talking?
The Sensory Chat podcasts are hosted by two Occupational Therapists, a Physiotherapist and Speech & Language Therapist, calling in for the group chat from the UK, Australia and Germany.
Lelanie Brewer is an Occupational Therapist and Advanced SI Practitioner and also the Director of Student Development for Sensory Integration Education. A highly experienced clinician, Lelanie is currently working towards a PhD with her research focusing on self-care in children with motor difficulties.
Amy Stephens is a Speech and Language Therapist and Advanced SI Practitioner with a long experience working with children and adults with a wide range of different speech, language and communication challenges. As a coach and mentor, Amy enjoys uncovering new insights into effective and positive strategies for supporting clients as well as the families, educators and clinical professionals who support them.
Angela Tieman is a Paediatric Occupational Therapist and Advanced SI Practitioner with extensive experience working in Early Childhood Intervention in both Australia and the United Kingdom. Angela has been trained by and received supervision from world renowned experts in the field of Sensory Integration, Trauma and Attachment, and also works as a clinical mentor in this field.
Emma Snowdon is a Paediatric Physiotherapist and an Advanced Sensory Integration Practitioner. With extensive experience in the public and independent sectors, Emma is also a clinical supervisor and delivers training to numerous agencies including Adoption Central England (ACE) and lectures for national conferences.
Subscribe to Sensory Chat
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Or listen via the Sensory Chat podcast home page.