Sensory Integration Education Honorary Fellowship Awards
We are privileged to have been able to award Honorary Fellowships to our following critical friends who have made exceptional contributions to the advancement of sensory integration education or rendered distinguished service to the organisation.
Valerie Cribbin
Occupational therapist and SI lecturer Valerie Cribbin was instrumental in the inception of the SI Network (UK and Ireland). Holding key roles within the organisation, Valerie raised the profile of SI within the UK and Ireland and forged links with US colleagues. Valerie’s enthusiasm and energy for SI, her great skill as a lecturer and her immense contribution to the organisation are recognised in an Honorary Fellowship.

Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education
Elizabeth Fairgrieve
Occupational therapist Elizabeth Fairgrieve worked both sides of the Atlantic. After spending time with SI founder Dr A Jean Ayres, Elizabeth pioneered Sensory Integration Therapy in the UK, making Scotland the first place to practise the discipline. She went on to codevelop our early series of postgraduate courses and was a prime mover in forming the Sensory Integration Network (UK and Ireland). Elizabeth passed in 2017 and is greatly missed by her former colleagues.

Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education
Dr Elizabeth Stephenson
Dr Elizabeth Stephenson, occupational therapist, along with Elizabeth Fairgrieve, were trailblazers in Scotland and instrumental in uniting the UK and Ireland in sensory integration education. They visited the Jean Ayres'Clinic in the USA and subsequently arranged training courses for therapists here in the UK. She was an excellent presenter taking complex theory and making it clinically accessible. She always ensured that her clients and their families were at the centre of her occupational therapy practice. The conclusions of her PhD research, ‘Always the guiding hand’: parents' accounts of the long-term implications of developmental co-ordination disorder for their children and families, are still highly relevant today.

Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education
Sue Delport
Occupational Therapist and former Senior Lecturer at Cardiff University. Sue Delport's specialist area of interest and expertise is within the area of developmental disabilities with children and young people. Sue previously held the position of Chair at the SI Network.

Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education
Sue Allen
Sue Allen is an occupational therapist and senior lecturer at Oxford Brookes University. Her own research interests include the impact of neurodevelopmental and sensory processing differences and how occupational therapists can best enable participation in everyday life for children and their families. Her PhD work is focused on developing a group coaching intervention for mothers of children with sensory processing differences. Sue previously held the position of Chair at the SI Network.

Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education
Dr Greg Kelly
In 2019, Dr Greg Kelly, an Occupational therapist, received an SIE Honorary Fellowship for sustained commitment to developing SI theory and practice in the UK, Ireland and beyond over a 40-year period and for his outstanding leadership in providing university-accredited SI training since the MSc in SI was launched in 2011.

Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education
Dr Erna Blanche
Erna Imperatore Blanche, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, is a Clinical Professor of Occupational Therapy at USC's Mrs. T.H. Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy. She co-founded Therapy West, Inc., serving children since 1985. Bilingual in English and Spanish, Dr. Blanche has provided clinical services, taught, and published in both languages. She is the first author of the Structured Observations of Sensory Integration – Motor and the Comprehensive Observation of Proprioception, and has multiple publications on evaluating and intervening in sensory processing challenges, neurodevelopmental disorders, and play. As a professor, international lecturer, and clinician, she bridges clinical practice, education, and research.

Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education
Dr Gustavo Reinoso
Dr. Gustavo Reinoso, Ph.D., OTR/L, is an Associate Professor in the Occupational Therapy Department at Drake University, overseeing the OTD program's research track. With over 25 years of experience, he has worked with children and youth with disabilities in various settings and co-authored numerous scientific publications. An international speaker, he has presented his research in over 20 countries and has trained professionals in his private practices abroad. He co-authored the Structured Observations of Sensory Integration Motor (SOSI-M) and the Comprehensive Observations of Proprioception (COP-R). Currently, he is developing a standardized test and intervention protocol for handwriting difficulties for children with disabilities, available in English and Spanish, and used in 10 countries. As an adjunct professor at USC, he contributes to the USC Chan Sensory Integration Continuing Education (CE) Certificate Program. His research focuses on sensory integration, autism, handwriting, measurement and statistics, disability studies, and assessment tool development.
Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education
Mim Ochsenbein
Mim Ochsenbein, MSW, OTR/L, has over 28 years of experience as a pediatric occupational therapist. She holds a BSc in Occupational Therapy from USC, an MSW from UCLA, and is pursuing a PP-OTD from MGH-IHP. She has advanced training in sensory integration, listening and feeding therapy, DIR, mental health, reflective supervision, and infant massage. Her diverse work settings include early intervention, schools, clinics, mental health, and private practice. As a social worker, she managed programs and developed services for non-profits. She has taught university-level and continuing education courses since 2013, has spoken internationally, and has co-authored professional publications. From 2017-2024, she held leadership roles at the STAR Institute for Sensory Processing.

Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education
Dr Colette Fegan
Dr Colette Fegan is an Occupational Therapist and formerly Deputy Head of Department for Allied Health Professions at Sheffield Hallam University. Colette worked closely with the team at SIE to implement the Masters course at the University and manage and coordinate the delivery of the course working closely with University departments and SIE colleagues. Colette also worked closely with students and supervisors to support students through the dissertation stage of their studies.

Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education
Dr. Helen Lynch
Dr. Helen Lynch, PhD, MSc, is Senior Lecturer in Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University College Cork, Ireland. Helen was an active member of the original Irish branch of the Sensory Integration Association in the early 1990s and went on to serve on the Sensory Integration Network UK and Ireland for over 12 years. She worked alongside colleague Valerie Cribbin on the SensorNet newsletter for many years, and previously held the position of Chairperson of the network as well as being the first chairperson of the Research Committee in the early 2000s. Helen has worked as a mentor for many students taking on postgraduate education in sensory integration and continues to research aspects of childhood play and participation, autism, and playspaces for inclusion. UCC Research Profiles: Helen Lynch, Occupational Science & Occupational Therapies For a background to the history of SI in Ireland, see SensorNet 44, August 2015.
Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education
Betty Paris
Betty Paris, PT, M.Ed. C/NDT, is a physical therapist, author, and international lecturer with expertise in Neurodevelopmental Treatment for children and Sensory Integration. She shares practical interventions with OT and PT students, healthcare and mental health practitioners, educators, parents, and other professionals through publications, university settings, online instruction, and international trainings. Since 1993, she has taught at American Occupational Therapy workshops, conferences, and schools across the US. She has also taught in South Africa, the UK, Ireland, Europe, and Greece. Her topics include Ayres Sensory Integration®, NDT, and interventions for sensory processing difficulties. She has co-authored journal articles and books, including "Is It Sensory or Is It Behavior?" and "Autism Interventions."

Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education
Carolyn Murray-Slutsky
Carolyn Murray-Slutsky, MS OTR, C/NDT, FAOTA, is an international speaker, author, and clinician specializing in sensory and neurological issues. Her workshops began in the US with the American Occupational Therapy Association and gained global recognition at the World Congress of Sensory Integration in South Africa. She has taught for the Sensory Integration Network (UK), NHS (UK), HSE (Ireland), and pediatric organizations in Greece, Canada, and the US. Certified in ASI and NDT, her focus includes Ayres Sensory Integration, Neurodevelopmental Treatment, autism, and behavioral strategies. She co-authored books like "Developing Visual Motor Integration" and "Is It Sensory or Is It Behavior?" She has served in leadership roles in hospitals and developed a pediatric private practice with outpatient locations, a home health agency, and various school contracts. She was awarded a Fellowship by the American Occupational Therapy Association for "Leading Excellence in Pediatrics Around the Globe."

Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education
Éadaoin Bhreathnach
Éadaoin Bhreathnach, M.Sc., Occupational Therapist, established Ireland's first Sensory Integration Centre in Belfast in the early 1980s. This led to the formation of the Irish Sensory Integration Association, which later merged with organizations in England and Scotland to form Sensory Integration (UK and Ireland). Éadaoin co-taught a Clinical Observations Course and developed a Trauma Informed Clinical Observations Protocol with Nick Smith for children who had experienced abuse. Her Sensory Attachment Intervention model has gained international recognition, and she authored the Scared Gang Books to help children understand and manage their survival and attachment behaviors.
Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education
Dr. Joanne Fallon
Occupational therapist and Associate Lecturer with Sheffield Hallam University. Joanne was awarded this Honorary Fellowship in recognition of her contributions to the development of sensory integration theory, training and practice. Joanne holds a PhD in Health Related Sciences, and her research interests are in the area of infant regulation, sleep, and attachment. Joanne has been a dedicated lecturer, mentor and MSc supervisor for many years, and continues to support the development of sensory integration in the UK and Ireland.

Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education
Professor Heather Kuhaneck
Heather Kuhaneck, Ph.D., OTR/L, FAOTA, is a Professor and the founding program director for the new occupational therapy program at Southern Connecticut State University. Dr. Kuhaneck is the co- editor of Case-Smith’s Occupational Therapy for Children and Adolescents, and Making Play Just Right, and co-author of the Sensory Processing Measure and the Classroom Sensory Environment Assessment. She is a prior editor / co-editor of 3 editions of Autism: A Comprehensive Occupational Therapy Approach. She is a Fellow of the American Occupational Therapy Association and has practiced as an occupational therapist for over 30 years, specializing in autism and sensory integration, working in urban, suburban, and rural public schools as well as private clinics in CT, WV, and OH.

Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education
Dominique Blanche Kiefer, OTD, OTR/L, BCP
Dominique Blanche Kiefer co-owns Therapy West, Inc. in Los Angeles, CA, and Therapy West 2, LLC in Orlando, FL. She holds a BS in Engineering from Brown University and a Master's and Doctorate from USC's Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy. With over 20 years of clinical experience, she specializes in treating children in schools, homes, and clinics. An expert in sensory processing and integration, she lectures in Spanish and English and has co-authored several publications. She co-created the video “A. Jean Ayres: The Pioneer Behind Sensory Integration” and focuses on sensory integration and assessment tool development.

Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education
Dr Shelley Mulligan
Shelley Mulligan, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, is an associate professor in the OT Department at the University of New Hampshire with over 30 years of experience. Her expertise is in evaluating children with sensory processing and integration disorders. She is developing the Sensory Processing Three Dimensions Assessment and has numerous publications on sensory processing deficits. She authored "OT Evaluation of Children, 2nd Edition" and is Associate Editor of "Sensory Integration Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition." In her free time, she enjoys golfing, traveling with family, and hiking in the White Mountains.

Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education
Dr Shelly J Lane
Dr. Shelly J Lane is the Academic Program Director at Colorado State University (CSU), where she also directs the Sensory Integration, Play and Occupational Therapy Lab, and is a Conjoint Professor at the University of Newcastle, Australia. She holds a BS in Occupational Therapy, a PhD in Anatomy and Neuroscience, and completed a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at UCLA. Her research focuses on neuroscience applications in occupational therapy and sensory integration in children. Her recent projects include the neuroscience of play, interoception, sleep in autism, and pediatric OT interventions. Dr. Lane holds certifications in the Southern California Sensory Integration Tests and the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests. She has published extensively, presented internationally, and authored numerous book chapters on sensory integration, neuroscience, and pediatric OT.

Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education
Teresa A. May-Benson
Teresa A. May-Benson, Sc.D., OTR/L, FAOTA, is President/Owner of TMB Education, LLC and OTR, Inc., and a renowned lecturer and researcher on sensory integration. She authored the Adult/Adolescent Sensory History (ASH), the GI Assessment, and the Test of Ideational Praxis, and has written numerous articles and book chapters. With extensive experience in autism and diverse clinical settings, she is a past Chairperson of the AOTA's Sensory Integration Special Interest Section. Her awards include the Virginia Scardinia Award, A. Jean Ayres Award, Alice S. Bachman Award, and Catherine Trombly Award.

Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education
Virginia Spielmann
Virginia Spielmann, PhD, OTR/L, is an Occupational Therapist and the Executive Director of the STAR Institute for Sensory Processing. She obtained her PhD in Infant and Early Childhood Development in August 2021. Dr. Spielmann is a well-travelled speaker, coach, and educator, focusing on topics such as sensory integration, child development, and infant mental health. She consults on media projects, co-founded the Critical Core therapeutic role-playing game, and co-developed the Palaana sensory lounger with SLACK Lifestyle. Her clinical expertise includes professional reflection and reflective practice, neurodiversity affirming care, trauma informed care, and epistemologies and ontologies of health care.

Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education
Dr Anita Bundy
Anita Bundy, Professor and Department Head in Occupational Therapy at Colorado State University, has an honorary appointment at the University of Sydney in Australia. She is a practitioner, educator, and researcher in sensory integration. With Dr. Shelly Lane, she edited two editions of the textbook “Sensory Integration: Theory & Practice.” Her work over the last 20 years has focused on promoting “risky play” while balancing risk and care. Bundy developed play-related assessments, including the Test of Playfulness (ToP) and the Test of Environmental Supportiveness (TOES). These tools help professionals prioritize play as children’s primary occupation. She also co-authored the “Parent/Caregiver Support of Children’s Playfulness” (PC-SCP) published by the American Occupational Therapy Association.

Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education
Sarah A. Schoen, Ph.D, OTR/L
Dr. Schoen is the Director of Research at STAR Institute. She is an occupational therapist with over 30 years of clinical experience and holds a doctorate in occupational therapy from New York University (2001). She completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center under Dr. Lucy Jane Miller. Dr. Schoen is an Associate Professor at Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions and is involved in research, educational programs, and clinical expertise at STAR Institute. Dr. Schoen has authored over 50 published peer-reviewed articles and multiple chapters on sensory integration and the STAR Frame of Reference. She has received prestigious awards from the American Occupational Therapy Association in 1997, the Virginia Scardina Award of Excellence in 2011, and the A. Jean Ayres Award in 2022 from the American Occupational Therapy Foundation.

Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education
Gretchen Dahl Reeves
Gretchen spent many decades sharing and teaching about sensory integration theory and intervention to professional audiences around the world. Privileged to have been taught by A. Jean Ayres and continually inspired by the ideas she generated that have had a significant impact on our understanding of human development and behavior. Awarded PhD. in Biopsychology from the University of Michigan in 1994 which provided an in-depth understanding of the brain and our human capacity for learning. Retired from the occupational therapy faculty of Eastern Michigan University in 2017.

Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education
Varleisha Lyons
Varleisha D. Lyons PhD, OTD, OTR/L, ASDCS, FAOTA - occupational therapist for over 20 years. Dr. Lyons founded and operated a private therapy firm for over 10 years, developed and founded Delaware’s first occupational therapy program and became the first Black Indigenous American woman to serve as the Scientific Programs Officer at the American Occupational Therapy Foundation. Currently, she is the Vice President of DEIJAB & Governance and formerly the Vice President of Practice Engagement and Capacity Building at the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). Varleisha continues to lecture internationally and has authored four books, one of which is a bestseller. She has dedicated her time to mentoring underrepresented individuals and desires to help shift others toward growth and healing despite traumatic experiences or diagnoses. Her research spans various disciplines and professions with grant funding in the areas of community-based services and interprofessional education and care. Through such efforts she has guided several into the profession of occupational therapy and supported families nationwide through her volunteer efforts. Areas of expertise include neuroanatomy, self-regulation strategies across the lifespan, health inequities, and trauma responsive approaches.

Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education
Jenny French
Qualifying as a physiotherapist in 1970 at Guys Hospital in London I worked in children’s therapies. I learnt about SI with paediatric PT Bette Berents. We did research training with the University of Sheffield. Small projects led to improved changes in children's classroom performance and self-esteem. We trained therapists in England leading to the formation of our SI Association, bringing together PTs and OTs, Sheila Parker and Greg Kelly and then Joy High from South Africa. I later met Elizabeth Fairgreave and Liz Stevenson. Our group and their Scottish group, with Éadaoin Bhreathnach’s Irish SI Association became Sensory Integration (UK and Ireland) and taught the first introductory SI courses. The Southern California SI Test (SCSIT) was introduced. On a study tour in the late 80s, I was hosted by Dr Lucy Miller. As training became formalised, Greg Kelly was instrumental in validating courses and working on academic recognition. We all contributed to the Sensory Integration Network organisation. I co-taught on the Clinical Observations Course and Neurology. In early 2000 I set up a social enterprise with SI therapy assessment & treatment services for children and families. Holiday & after-school clubs based on SI achieved an excellent OFSTED report demonstrating the values of cross-boundary working. All of this is attributed to the immense contribution of Dr A Jean Ayers and the body of research influencing today's practice.

Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education
Diana A. Henry, MS, OT, FAOTA
Occupational therapist, clinician and international lecturer, Diana studied under Lorna Jean King and together with her husband Rick Ruess, developed their “Ateachabout” program, integrating sensory integration into schools and homes with her sensory Tools for Teachers and Tools for Students videos. She co-authored the sensory Tools for Tots, for Teens, for Parents and for Infants, as well as the Sensory Processing Measure (SPM-2) across the life span and the SPM Quick Tips. Diana is grateful to have had the opportunity to present in Ireland, Scotland, England and Northern Ireland for SI Network (UK and Ireland). Together with clinicians in the UK and Ireland as well as clinics, schools and hospitals across Australia, Canada and the USA, Diana conducted research using the SIPT and the Quick Tips. One of her latest projects was to develop the Adult SPM-2 Quick Tips, collaborating with six autistic adult occupational therapists. These will be made available through Sensory Integration Education.

Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education
Neil Hanney
I have over 30 years' experience as a senior academic and manager with extensive leadership and management expertise in a wide range of higher and professional educational organisations including professional and statutory bodies, Universities as well as awarding bodies. My work has focussed on building and managing education operations and partnerships and have worked across the Middle East as well as in Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore. As the Associate Dean of Global and Academic Partnerships at Sheffield Hallam University I ensured the successful strategic development, operational management and sustainability of the University’s international recruitment, TNE provision, educational partnerships and student mobility. as well as an Honorary Fellowship of Sensory Integration Education (SIE).

Honorary Fellow of Sensory Integration Education